Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The new acquisition

Everyone around our house is getting so OLD--my husband and me, our nearly grown boys and our cat, who must be ~100 in cat-years.  So we brought a lively youngster into the house.  He doesn't have a name yet, but belongs to my oldest son (who will take him along when he finally moves out again). We got him from the Animal Humane Society and he is the most extroverted, happy kitten I have ever seen.  However, it is quite difficult to catch a photo of him. He doesn't sit still much! The Resident Cat is still not sure what her role is supposed to be, but with time she will figure it out (I tried to explain to her that she is the Wise Old Great-Grandma now!)


  1. That second one cracked me up! He reminds me of a bobble head. :-) So cute!

  2. Oh, my gosh! He is a real cutie--and I'm so impressed you got a photo that was more than a blur!!
