Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Garden Excavation and Discovery

Ah, I knew I had planted this a few years back.  As I pushed back the aggressive Day Lilies, I discovered some treasures in my garden.  (I am still catching up from a few years of yard neglect, working my way around the yard, from one garden area to another.  I am about 2/3 done and my back HURTS! from pulling all those encroaching weeds, lilies and ferns.)


  1. It's good, honest work that's for sure. At least you are finding some hidden treasures. :)

  2. Ah, but what *are* they (besides beautiful)?

  3. I think it's a type of honeysuckle--based on the shape of the flower--but I no longer have the identifying tag, and my memory is not too good. I will have to pull out my perennial book and look it up!

  4. What gorgeous light! Looks like columbine to me, and none the worse for wear!
