Monday, February 7, 2011

Is this how YOU learned calculus?

Long day today--and no pictures yet! So I stopped in to my older son's room, camera in hand. He came over for dinner and is working on his calculus homework.  On his computer screen were these lovely colorful notes from class.  Geez!  MY math classes were all taught in "black and white," and if you didn't take notes in class, you didn't get a second chance to see what the prof. covered!


  1. LOL! I almost posted an English lesson left on the whiteboard in the library where I volunteer.

  2. Um, I never made it through algebra 2! So, the answer is no. ;^)

  3. I'm constantly amazed at what's available online for my son to access for his classes. Quite a different world than what we were used to.

  4. I help my niece with her college classes sometimes and I am completely amazed at how education has changed. You should see how professors edit and comment on papers electronically now.

  5. Yeah, I know how much it has changed for the profs, as I am doing my Master's online. All of my papers come back with the electronic comments (which fortunately I was familiar with, from having done some editing work prior to grad school.) It is a whole new world, that's for sure!

  6. Nope; I never learned Calculus *any* way!
