Monday, February 21, 2011


The outside world is one color palate again (white) and I refuse to post another photo of this snowy bleakness.  The other day a friend of mine (who knows how burned out I am with school) brought me a bouquet of tulips and then dragged me out to the Conservatory to see the plants and feel the warm humid air on my face! (Ok, she didn't exactly have to "drag" me there!) Here is a tribute to my favorite flower, the tulip, which is beautiful when it is closed, open and even when its petals are falling to the ground! Could God have created a more beautiful flower?


  1. They truly are magnificent! Everyone should have a friend like that.

  2. Tulips always remind me of the first year I did Project 365. I happened on a street full of tulips and took goodness only knows how many shots!
