Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tonight I got to pick up my new eyeglasses.  So, since I had absolutely no time to shoot pictures today, I am defaulting to another "self-portrait" with the new glasses as justification.

Hmmm, and now that I'm looking at the background of this picture, I can't wait to be done with my thesis so I can get around to painting this room and finding new window treatments!


  1. Very flattering! I wonder if the day is coming when I'll have to trade in my half dozen pairs of dollar readers for something a little more permanent. I dread having to make that choice, but when I see someone with cute glasses I think it might not be so bad. Good for you!

  2. Your glasses look great on you!

  3. Besides your cool glasses, I notice all the books! I love books and usually have huge stacks beside my bed. Few stacks now that I read on the 'fake' kindle we have on the lap top.
