Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Today I enjoyed coffee with a friend, shopping at Target, a massage, and a visit to see the new baby across the street.  Then I washed the kitchen floor, vacuumed and put in some loads of laundry. I have "avoided" as long as I possibly could--but now I must get back at it.  Time to dig in to finish the revisions for chapters 3 and 4 and start my draft of chapter 5 of my thesis.  I tell people it's like writing a (really BORING) book!


  1. Well, you might not have gotten done what you needed to but you sure did get a lot of other things done. Hope you find the time soon and the work goes quickly and smoothly.

  2. I truly do like photo snatches of life. I get an idea of who people are! Hope this goes smoothly. Good for you!

  3. It's amazing what one can get accomplished while procrastinating! :-)
