Friday, January 14, 2011

Distractions while searching out a study area

While at the University today, my husband and I  stopped to show our son a location where my husband logged many hours in pursuit of his engineering degree. (We are hoping Warren might also plant himself there between classes, instead of going home and getting distracted by all the fun things going on at his house!) It's a pretty cool room--very ornate and old-fashioned. Of course, on our way to the building, Warren's skateboard-radar spotted a "famous" rail.  Unless you are a skateboarder, you probably won't appreciate the perfection of this rail and its height and positioning. Anyway, today I post both the study room AND the wonderful rail! I wonder which Warren will visit most often?


  1. What a beautiful place to study! Of course, I'm not into skateboarding... ;-)

  2. Well, they do say if you are physically active your mind learn It is a beautiful place to study.
