Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This was taken at the McNamara Alumni Center at the University of Minnesota.  The building is full of lines, angled ceilings and angled windows and is a photographer's dream for finding interesting shots.  The marble "floor" you see is actually raised up about 2 feet from the regular floor and is covered with about 1/4 inch of running water, which falls over the edge into  a narrow reservoir.  Makes for some good reflections!  My son tells me there is another of these waterfalls just like it outside--but right now it is covered with snow!


  1. Gorgeous! I love reflections and the way windows play with light. My favorite discovery in 365. I find myself constantly looking at windows now. Love how angular this photo is!

  2. I really like this Lynn, the light and the angles.

  3. I too like the play of angles and reflections. Very cool

  4. Great composition and depth. I also like the contrast of the warm still "pool" and the little slice of snow outside.
