Sunday, January 30, 2011

WInter afternoon walk

Today I grabbed my camera and went outside for a walk. The sun was out and it was warm enough to take a walk to the nearby lakes and back. I think I'll make a point of taking photos on some of these walks, as it will document how the seasons change in Minnesota. You will see this spot again, I think! This corner of Lake Gervais flows under a bridge into a tiny lake called Spoon Lake (named after its shape) which flows under a highway to Keller Lake, which flows into Round Lake, which flows into Lake Phalen. Yep, that would be 5 lakes, all in walking distance.  Oh, and there's a lake that flows out of Gervais as well! Maybe in the summer I will brave taking my camera out in my kayak. (I do have some waterproof storage containers--it might work!).

Snowmobile tracks on  Lake Gervais (The larger expanse of the lake is beyond the trees.)


  1. So there's a lake there? Thanks for explaining where it is! I will love seeing this spot in the different seasons. Beautiful day, beautiful snow.

  2. Gorgeous! Funny people don't know what a frozen lake looks like. :-)

  3. Thanks for beautiful winter shots! When we had our snow/ice storm, we were so busy trying to survive there wasn't much time to notice the beauty. It's still a novelty here. The air looks so cold and crisp in this shot!

  4. I love the house in the back with the trees. It looks so peaceful.

  5. I thought I was the first commenter and I can see there is no comment from me! Hmmm. Anyway, what I love about this shot is the location of the black tree branches. They create a downward line from left to right that draws the eye through the narrow pass. Very nice.

  6. Beautiful!!!! Especially for us Southern Californians who rarely see snow! :)

  7. Beautiful wintry scene. I love the tracks in the snow ~ really gives that large section a lot of interest.
