Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow removal has become a daily chore this winter

Well, whoever commented on how hard it is to keep up with the daily photo blogging while working was correct. It was a very busy day for me with a full clinic and no time to shoot pictures--though I did pop home at lunch and told my 17 year old son he should clear the driveway.  I snapped his picture before zipping back to work.  My husband thought it was a useful shot: "It's always good to have a picture of your teenager doing work. Maybe he can attach it to his resume!" (His tongue-in-cheek commentary on the "work ethic" of your typical teenager, who is more likely to log hours lounging and playing video games than doing chores!)


  1. Love the comments and that photo reminds me why I'm glad I now live in the South. Snow is gorgeous, but it's lots of work. I remember. And I echo Laura! That's a LOT of snow!
