Thursday, January 20, 2011

Getting organized

I stopped by to visit my oldest son today and to let him use my laptop, as his is freezing up (great timing for that, huh?) The semester just started, and he is getting himself organized for the weeks ahead. (Ah, planning calendars--I love them, but he finds them annoying--yet he needs them.) I told him that about half the recipe for success at college is just getting organized--reading instructor emails, checking due dates and planning out time for papers and studying.  I was born with the "organizing gene" but HE was born with the "creativity gene" and they are rarely both present in the same person!


  1. He looks pretty diligent here! How long will it last? Love all the "tools" spread out!

  2. Organized mom/creative son combo at my house too. :) He does look quite intent on his work.

  3. I love doing calendars and schedules, but don't always follow them. I seem to like the idea of doing things ahead of time, but actually function most creatively under pressure, lol.
