Sunday, January 2, 2011

A selection of cookbooks from my shelf

One of the things I love to do is browse colorful cookbooks and magazines, both for new ideas and to learn more about the chemistry behind good cooking. It's not that I'm a great cook, but as a dietitian, it is only natural that I find food preparation fascinating! 


  1. Yay, you learned to to enlarge the pics! Love the collection. One of these days (when you're done with your thesis and I'm all moved etc.) I want to pick your brain about the nutrition stuff!

  2. So colorful! I'd like to look through a few of those...

  3. Lovely!!! Really love the light across the bowl of fruit at the top of the photo....

  4. You did a great job with the composition of this shot. I love cookbooks.

  5. Thanks! I am always impressed by how good food photography has gotten! I know they do some tricks to make things look more appealing (like using glue to represent milk) but still, so many of the pictures in these books MAKE me want to prepare foods I would otherwise shy away from!

  6. This shot would've been great with just the cookbooks but what really makes it wonderful in my opinion is the inclusion of the bowl of fruit. It's a great complement in subject and color. The light in this shot is so very nice.
